Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) accused Managing Director (MD) Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) for giving undue favour in appointment of head of legal and commercial by violating Hiring Policy (HR) of the company.

The Audit Report on the Accounts of Petroleum Division and Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority 2023-24 revealed this which was laid in National Assembly here on Tuesday.

During audit of PPL for the fiscal year 2022-23, it was observed that the management violated advertised criteria for appointment as head of legal and commercial in Job Group-12 by selecting a candidate with less experience as was advertised. Incumbent had an experience of 18 years and 9 months on the closing date of the application i.e September 2, 2022 whereas the required minimum experience was 19 years.

Managing Director (MD) selected, the candidate having less than advertised experience and who was also ranked second and third by second level interview panel. This resulted in irregular appointment of Head of Legal and Commercial by extending undue favour.

Audit was of the view that while conducting the final interview, MD did not consider recommendations of 2nd level interview and extended favour in violation of the HR policy. It further directed Petroleum Division to probe the matter.

The management of PPL defending the decision of the MD argued on January 15, 2024 that hiring process was carried out in accordance with the Board’s approved Recruitment Policy and the incumbent fulfils the advertised criteria which the audit official disagreed.

According to advertisement on August 21, 2022 for head of legal and commercial the ideal candidate should possess a law degree i.e LLB or Juris Doctor from a reputable local or foreign university/ institute recognized by the Higher Education Commission with at least 19 years of post-qualification relevant experience. Further, according to clause 3.5.3 of HR policy, panel interviews shall be primarily used for assessing the suitability of experienced professionals against vacant position. To ensure an independent assessment of the candidates by the technical experts and HR, the appointing authority/ MD will meet only the final shortlisted candidate (s) after 2nd level interview.

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